We Belong
Ka whai turangawaewae tātou
We Grow
Ka tipu tātou
We Contribute
Ka tākoha tātou

What does our school logo represent?
Tī Kōuka (Cabbage Tree)
The Logo represents a lone Tī Kōuka or known as the Cabbage Tree. Waimauku School is situated amongst an extensive expanse of many native floura & fauna. The local Māori used cabbage tree as a food source, fibre and also used as medicine. The root, stem and top are all edible, a good source of starch and sugar. The Tī Kōuka are an important cultural treasure. Māori anciently have cared and harvested Tī Kōuka which provided a great food-supply. The design reminds us that we all start our learning journey as a tiny seed and when nourished WE GROW.
Taha Puke (ranges, ridge)
The warm rolling countryside reminds us that we all have a place that WE BELONG. The design also represents the Tauwhare maunga and the original inhabitants of the area, Te Kawerau ā Maki Iwi, Ngāti Whātua o Kaipara and Ngāti Whātua hapū of Te Taoū.
He Manaia
Our Manaia design is depicted unfurling from the base of the logo. The Manaia is a spiritual guardian that grants us protection against opposition. The Koru represents creation, life, strength and enlightenment. The koru fronds represent the school vision; We Belong - Ka whai turangawaewae tātou, We grow - Ka tipu tātou and We Contribute - Ka tākoha tātou.
The name Waimauku is translated as Wai: stream and mauku, the many varieties of small ferns. Our school is named after the local area and is also the name of the local stream that flows adjacent to the school. The stream reminds us that we all flow together, a metaphor about the collective and that WE CONTRIBUTE to one another. The area around Waimauku School is a farming and fruit-growing community featuring a number of wineries and an increasing suburban and lifestyle population.